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奖学金 & 援助

ManBet手机客户端致力于招收有才华和多元化的学生. To accomplish this, we provide admission opportunities to as many qualified applicants as possible. Our Financial 援助 Program bridges the gap between what a family can afford and what it costs to attend 边境上大学. 2021-2022学年, over 44% of the student body received scholarship funding and/or financial aid amounting to over $2.100万年. 加拿大和美国公民优先. International 学生 are considered for tuition assistance only under exceptional circumstances.


Financial assistance is available to 学生 in Grades 7 through 12 based on academic merit and financial need. 才有资格获得经济援助, 学生 must first submit a completed application to the College as well as a completed financial aid application to 苹果金融服务公司(流式细胞仪) or 学校学费助学金(快). Applicants are encouraged to apply early, ideally by February 1 to receive full consideration.

The College makes every effort to meet the needs of families applying to the school however it should be noted that awards normally do not exceed 50% of tuition fees. 助学金的平均数额是学费的25%.

财政援助奖是基于两个标准. The principal factor is the family’s financial situation and need for assistance as determined through a completed application through 流式细胞仪 or 快. The second determinant is the applicant’s assessed overall merit: his/her current or potential contribution to the 边境上大学 community as determined through the completed application to the College (including references, 个人或电话面试, 入学考试和学术报告, 社区参与, 学校参与, 课外活动, 等.).

Financial 援助 awards are normally offered for one academic year and are renewable annually provided the student has maintained a strong academic average, 没有重大的纪律问题, 并一直活跃在学院社区.

NOTE: Parents and 学生 of families receiving financial assistance will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement on acceptance before the start of the academic year. 本协议将严格执行.


Students entering Grades 7 through 12 may be eligible to compete for scholarships, 根据与财政援助奖相同的标准,每年更新一次. 奖学金是基于成绩和经济需要.

  • 是加拿大或美国公民;
  • 在1月31日前完全完成申请;
  • 提交财务文件通过 流式细胞仪 or by January 31; and
  • 在最近的成绩单上,核心科目的平均分至少达到85%.



  • 入学奖学金考试

    每年的入学奖学金考试只接受邀请. It includes testing in core subject areas including: English, French and Mathematics. 入学奖学金考试在二月底举行.
  • 部分奖学金

    每年有一些部分奖学金提供给新生, 在奖学金考试的基础上授予, 平均25%的学费, 最高可达学费的50%. 这些奖学金可以按照与全额奖学金相同的标准续期.
  • 校友遗产奖学金

    斯巴达人的骄傲会伴随你一生, 我们的校友经常把这种自豪感传给他们的女儿和儿子. ManBet手机客户端希望通过提供1美元的奖学金来延续这一传统,校友的子女及孙辈可获五千元入学奖学金. 联系 admissions@aykarteknoloji.com 有关详细信息,.



  • 安德鲁·马丁奖学金

    Presented to a new or existing student with an average of 80% and who excels in some other area of activity.
  • 埃里克·T. 韦伯斯特奖学金

  • 尼克 & 伊妮德·卡特奖学金

    Presented to a local student entering Grade 7 or 8, preferably but not necessarily Canadian.
  • 东北王国日学生奖

    提交给当地合格的美国.S. 学生.
  • 安省及海事奖学金



These awards are available to returning 学生 who are selected through a faculty nomination and voting process. 获奖者的评选程序因奖项或奖项而异. A few are determined through committee, and two through a vote of all faculty and 学生. Amounts associated with these special prizes and awards range from $100 to $3,000.


A 5% reduction in tuition and boarding fees may be awarded to older siblings in a single family where more than one child attends the school. Please note that sibling discounts are not automatically offered if 学生 are already receiving financial aid and/or scholarship.